Friday, 18 April 2014

What's so good about 'Good' Friday?

Good Friday, the day that Jesus died. The day that he was condemned to death, mocked and beaten. Forced to carry his cross to the place where he was crucified alongside two criminals. Here they insulted him further, he was parched with thirst, forsaken by God his Father and he breathed his last.

How can the death of this perfect man be good in any way?

It's only when we take a few steps back and start to see the bigger picture that the wonderfulness of this day becomes clear. Don't you see, this was not an unfortunate turn of events outside of God's control! This wasn't  Jesus helplessly succumbing to the powers of the Pharisees, chief priests and Pilate's crowd-pleasing decisions.

In order to see the goodness we have to first understand some bad news. Right back at the beginning, through Adam's disobedience sin (wrong) came into the world. We follow this pattern and we too naturally stray from what is right. We fail to meet the standard that God requires of us - perfection.  God cannot tolerate wrong, so unless this is dealt with we cannot know him.When we break the law we deserve punishment. In the same way, the punishment for falling short of God's standards is death.

But even before the dawn of time God had a plan. A plan driven by love and undeserving kindness for the people he made, This plan we can trace through the whole Bible as a rescuer is promised. This plan is fulfilled in Jesus.

Jesus willingly became human and lived on earth. He humbled himself to nothing - born in a stable, worked as a carpenter and lived simply. He knew what it was to be tired and hungry, he was like us in every way - yet never did anything wrong. He is the only person who has ever lived up to God's standards of perfection.

His whole life was driven by his mission, to save us from what we deserve. Jesus perfectly and willingly obeyed his Father. Can you understand? At the cross, the wonderful cross, Jesus hung there in your place. An act of justice, our penalty paid in full. The greatest display of mercy, the nails we deserve, taken by the Son of God. Overwhelming grace - we can stand without guilt! Not only sin cancelled, but perfection given to us.

It is finished.

All is done for you, don't fight to try and earn God's favour. Look and see what has been done for you. He has achieved it for you and we have nothing to add. Run to God and accept this great gift.

How can we be sure? It's only Friday...but Sunday's a coming.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Sing yourself the truth

All of Becky Green's songs are thoroughly enriched with gospel goodness. Often I put on her albums when I am needing more than ever to rely on God. The music is easy listening and a great encouragement. Here are some of the lyrics from one of my favourites.

DRESS TO WEAR - Becky Green 

A King on His throne
You made the whole universe. 

Yet You stepped down
And lived as one of us.

You welcomed me in
And gave me a dress to wear 
You opened Your arms 
And called me a princess 
You welcomed me in 
And gave me a dress to wear 
A dress of righteousness.
There on the cross 
You showed your love for us 
By giving Your blood 
And taking the pain for us.

Lord open the gates 
And pour out Your glory now 
You’ve won our whole hearts 
You’re the King, You’re the King

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Tell yourself the truth

There are many days when I choose to listen to and to believe lies. They don't seem like lies to me, but they are. How do I know that they are lies? They are untrue because they are not consistent with the gospel.

Constantly we have to remind ourselves of the truth of the gospel or else it fades and life crowds in. When Paul writes his letter to the Galatians he reminds them of the truth that saved them so that they continue in the same gospel because they are starting to stray. But Paul preaches the gospel clearly in all that he writes. The early church needed that to enable them to keep going. We need it too.

Yes, I am talking about personal time reading the bible regularly. I think, though, that there are many other ways in which we can talk the truth to ourselves too. It can be in the words of our friends. It can be in the facebook statuses and tweets of strangers. I follow certain organisations and people on twitter in order to have a regular dose of gospel in bite-size. It can be in blog posts. Even in writing this blog I have a way to speak the gospel to myself as try to figure out what a life following Jesus looks like. 

One way I find really helpful is in the lyrics of songs and hymns. I go through phases where I play a song to myself daily to help me focus my thoughts as I prepare to face the day. Sometimes when I find it hard to pray, songs help me find the words to say.

This week I'm going to share some of the songs that I have found particularly helpful to tell myself the truth. Perhaps you'd like to share some lyrics you find helpful too? Today I am posting the words from a modern song which is modelled on the Lord's prayer. For a period at university a number of years ago I listened to this song every day.

Your love is strong - Jon Foreman
Heavenly Father 
You always amaze me
Let your kingdom come 
In my world and in my life
You give me the food I need 
To live through the day
And forgive me as I forgive 
The people that wronged me
Lead me far from temptation
Deliver me from the evil one
I look out the window 
The birds are composing
Not a note is out of tune 
Or out of place
I look at the meadow 
And stare at the flowers
Better dressed than any girl 
On her wedding day
So why do I worry?
Why do I freak out?
God knows what I need
You know what I need
Your love is strong
The kingdom of the heavens 
Is now advancing
Invade my heart 
Invade this broken town
The kingdom of the heavens 
Is buried treasure
Will you sell yourself 
To buy the one you've found?
Two things you told me
That you are strong
And you love me
Yes, you love me
Our God in heaven
Hallowed be
Thy name above all names
Your kingdom come
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven
Give us today our daily bread
Forgive us wicked sinners
Lead us far away from our vices
And deliver us from these prisons